About us
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About us
Development Agency Slovenske gorice
Development Agency Slovenske gorice d.o.o. (RASG) is an independent business entity that performs all legal transactions and operational and administrative tasks for the Local Action Group Ovtar Slovenskih goric (LAG Ovtar). Among the activities of RASG we can include consulting and support to all entities in the area of LAG Ovtar, organizing events, connecting the local offer, education, informing the public and tourism development.
- RASG, on behalf of LAG Ovtar, implements public calls for European funds from the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development and the European Regional Development Fund, which are intended for the implementation of various development projects. It also carries out consulting activities for business and public entities in the area of the LAG Ovtar.
- Through various projects, it promotes modern approaches to rural development, the integration of local supply, tourism development, self-sufficiency and organic farming, and organizes various workshops, trainings and events.
- Offers administrative and operational support for the operation of the Ovtar Slovenskih goric Association, which connects providers and other stakeholders in rural development in the area of the LAG Ovtar. The Ovtar Slovenskih goric Association is also a partner in several projects and is a strong connecting factor in the local offer in the area.
- The Education Center of Slovenske gorice also operates in the domain of RASG, which provides training in the field of languages, computer science, entrepreneurship, etc. with recognized programs.
- Since December 2009, RASG has been publishing monthly newspaper Ovtarjeve novice, which over time has become the central newspaper of the region, as the contents mainly touch on current events in the area of LAG Ovtar,
- RASG ensures the operation of a tourist information center on its premises, which offers basic tourist information, promotional materials and the possibility of purchasing tourist souvenirs. It also organizes local guide services for announced groups and tourists.
About us
In addition to the development orientation in the local area, RASG is also very active in the international environment:
- In the previous programming period, she was an active partner in a cross-border project with Hungary, called Via Savaria - Martin's Way, within which she traced Martin's Way through part of Slovenian territory and carried out several promotional activities.
- It is a regular participant in bilateral mayoral conferences, which take place twice a year between the mayors of Styrian Vulcanland, Slovenske gorice and Pomurje. It is also the coordinator of this cooperation on the Slovenian side and the contact point in the project Genuss sam Fluss - Užitek ob reki.
- It carries out several international cooperation projects and is involved in other international activities in the area.
About us
or at
+386 51 660 865
+386 59 128 773
Visit our website (only in Slovene): www.rasg.si