
On the way through Slovenske Gorice, you can stop in Benedikt and Cerkvenjak, where you will see the well-kept Roman mounds and learn more about the life of the Romans here.

In Slovenske Gorice, lovers of ancient culture will also come to their senses. Many Roman burial sites (mounds) have been discovered in the wider area, which are more than 1,800 years old, but have not yet been fully explored. You can see the organized burial grounds with information in Benedikt and Cerkvenjak.

One of the most important discoveries, even on a national scale, is represented by 26 bronze helmets of the Negova type, which were found in Ženjak (Benedikt). They date back to the 5th century BC, and the inscriptions, numbers and decorations on the helmets prove the high level of culture of our ancestors. They are kept in museums in Vienna, Graz, Munich and Ljubljana, but some specimens have been lost.

Burial mounds in Cerkvenjak:

46o 34' 24.38''
15o 59' 8.35''

Burial mounds in Benedikt

46o 36' 37.85''
15o 53' 15.70''