Slovenske Gorice is an area with a rich historical past. As in the wider area of ​​Štajerska, in Slovenske Gorice we can also find archaeological remains from the Roman period, and visitors will certainly be impressed by the castles and mansions that are connected to the former rulers of the area.

Viewpoints are a place to discover the peculiar characteristics of the region, as from them it is possible to see numerous churches on the tops of the hills, which in a special way decorate the entire view. Sacred buildings are an important part of the building heritage and the identity of local residents, as they represent a relevant part of the interpretation of the life of our ancestors, which historians are still dealing with today.

Richly decorated villas and old town houses, which give soul to the compacted market cores, also represent a unique historical moment. One step closer to understanding life can be experienced by visiting Domovsteads of Slovenske Goriec, many of which have already been renovated.

Every era has left its mark in Slovenske Gorice. You are invited to find them too.