Discover mineral waters
- Domov
- Discover mineral waters

Much has been known about the wealth of mineral and thermal waters in Styria for centuries. In the past, the medicinal power of these springs was described above all, but today there is more and more talk about their exploitation for tourist and recreational purposes. On the outskirts of Slovenske Gorice, the spas Radenci and Bioterme Mala Nedelja have developed perfectly, while mineral water springs can be found in Lokacijas throughout Slovenske Gorice, such as Spodnji Ivanjci, Police, Spodnja Ščavnica, Stavešinci, Očeslavci, Negova, Grabonoš, Benedikt, Spodnji and Zgornji Žerjavci and Lormanje. Many springs remain hidden, but at some you can taste the mineral water from the depths of the earth.
Mineral spring in Benedikt
46o 36' 36.15''
15o 52' 49.40''
Visit the spring of mineral water in Benedikt, where the Helena, Pavla and Ana wells await you - each with its own characteristics, of course.