Explore Slovenske Gorice in 5 ways
- Domov
- Explore Slovenske Gorice in 5 ways
On two or four wheels, on the ground or in the air - Slovenske Gorice is worth to see from different perspectives.
Slovenske Gorice is a hilly world that allows easy exploration. With well-organized transport links, accompanying infrastructure and many attractions within easy reach, you will always have the feeling that you are in the countryside, even though the urban environment is only a stone’s throw away.
For those who cultivate a healthy lifestyle, we recommend exploring with bicycles or E-bikes, where moderate altitudes will present a suitable challenge for everyone.
– Nature lovers will set out early in the morning on foot with a backpack and have lunch with a view of the nearby lake.
– Your little ones will certainly be happy with a horse-riding trip through forests and meadows, where they will experience nature on detours.
– If you like to be self-sufficient, you will like Slovenske Gorice precisely because of the peace and well-organized stops for motorDomovs, where you can take care of yourself well and take a day or two to get a little exercise.
– The view from the air is certainly one of those perspectives that gets your blood pumping the most. A little adrenaline never hurts, and that’s why a panoramic flight over Slovenske Gorice will be something special.