Let’s go for a Bike Ride
- Domov
- Let’s go for a Bike Ride

We also encourage cycling in Slovenske Gorice, as one of the most sustainable forms of sports, recreation and tourism. With the offer of (electric) bicycles and thematic routes, we enable visitors of all generations to see and learn about the Slovenske Gorice area and its surroundings.
The hills and valleys of the Slovenske Gorice are definitely suitable for family cycling. You will be impressed by the diversity of the landscape and natural beauty: rivers and lakes, vineyards and orchards, green meadows and forests. You can quench your thirst at the springs of mineral water (slatina), and on the way you can refresh yourself with top wines and culinary delicacies from local suppliers.
Once you have cycled over Slovenske Gorice, you will easily continue your journey along the Drava cycle path, to the plain of Prekmurje or the hills of Prlekija.