Visit the Land of Lakes

Water in nature is always an opportunity for many activities, but it can also represent the part of nature that calms you down the most.

Numerous lakes represent the peculiarity of the Slovenske Gorice and are one of the most popular environments for spending free time. They allow for many outdoor activities such as hiking, fishing, boating, camping or simple walks in nature, and at the same time they are also a refuge for some typical species of birds and other protected animals.

The immediate surroundings of the lakes are not burdened with commercial infrastructure, so in addition to active leisure time, they also allow for a quiet break, a picnic in nature or animal watching.


Take time to hike along the trail of 5 lakes: Lake Pernica, Lake Pristava, Lake Komarnik, Lake Radehova and Lake Trojica. You will be able to climb the lookout tower on Zavrh, have refreshments at the Šiker restaurant and visit the monastery and church at Sv. Trojica in Slovenske Gorice.